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Search results for 'asset'.

PauseMi Now Out!

…to let you know that 'PauseMi' (our latest unity asset) was approved last friday and is now available to buy on the Unity asset store . PauseMi is a script that allows you to pause your game, via freezing components and more. Without using 'TimeScale = 0'. There's also a SlowMo…

Written by Connor Graham on Sunday September 17, 2017

Beamtime Now Out!

…friday and is now available to buy on the Unity asset store . This asset is geared towards creating dynamic laser beams, to be used as weapons or a central mechanic in Unity games. More info can be found on the product page for it. In the meantime, enjoy the video demo from an…

Written by Connor Graham on Tuesday March 28, 2017

Unity 5.6 & Beamtime 1.0.2

…to 1.0.2. We've also updated all of our assets to be compatible with Unity 5.6 The full changelog for Beamtime is as follows: -Added tags as an option for reflection scan, recommended over materials due to GC reduction and performance increase. -Fixed the system breaking…

Written by Connor Graham on Tuesday April 11, 2017

Eager Amoeba Intro

…this is the current one in use. It uses assets from our animated intro and a model of the earth we produced in Cinema4D. Intended for use with feature-films/documentaries. A video intro we produced for Ourselves, this is the current one in use. It uses assets from our animated intro…

Shifting Priorities

…space without a major re-brand on all assets while growing my name within software development. At least. that's the plan! If you've come here looking for content related to software development (the two HTML articles , services page or portfolio ), they've moved to my new…

Written by Connor Graham on Tuesday March 5, 2019

Easy Screen Align

'Easy Screen Align' does what it's title suggests. It's a simple script for aligning elements to the screen. 'Easy Screen Align' does what it's title suggests. It's a simple script for aligning elements to the screen. Align elements to the screen The script aligns both 2D…


… BEAMTIME Beamtime is also a term in particle physics . It's shorthand for the time allocated to a researcher to research particle beams from a particular source We named our asset Beamtime after it was suggested to us by arcosapphire on reddit . We liked the term and it's meaning…


…these pages: Instagram , Twitter , Facebook - For the latest on Eager Amoeba and some cool photos. AQHAT - An automatic quality solution for Unity, available on the asset store. Our Blog - For the latest updates and articles. We've also published our first game Asteroid…


AQHAT is a Unity plugin that analyses device information and scores it's potential performance, this score can then be used to set quality upon launch or configure anything that requires you know the rough performance of a device. Want to know how well a device will perform before your game…


…a pseudonym. Eager Amoeba® still lives on in the gamedev space selling game development code assets and our debut game Asteroid Deathmatch .

Eager Amoeba® is the trading name for Connor Graham and his forays into game development.

© 2017 Eager Amoeba®